For Sacred Consideration: First Collection
"We bless each of you with the easeful willingness to feel for and to know alignment in this time. What it feels like for your body for your heart and mind to feel you are in flow, in precise attunement attending directly to the aspects of what is needed now. According not to what society says. But to what your own deep knowing holds for you.
Your role may change countless times.
The details of your efforts may evolve over and over again.
But we bless you that you are willing to, and feel supported, loved, bolstered, and interconnected enough to make choices that allow you to feel deeply aligned in whatever actions you take. Whatever offerings you make. Whether they be directly related to ending violence or supporting the wider community who is pushing for this resolve in this time.
No one's role is more significant or pronounced than another's. Every one of you is required. Specifically required to feel for what is aligned for you in this time. Make your choices, take your actions, from there. For when you are in a felt sense of alignment, you are serving as a bridge. Deeply connected to the well of resilience and deeply connected to your intention." —Teaching four
This collection contains sixteen audio recordings along with their written transcriptions.
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An important note: These collections are being shared as an offering of deep nourishment, support, inspiration, and care in this time. I am not a spiritual authority. And although some of these teachings contain specific perspectives and direction, these words are not meant to convince, control, or define us, what we think, or what we believe, to tell us what to do or not to do, or to give advice that we are required to follow. Rather, these transmissions are intended to support us to listen deeply to our own inner wisdom and fully follow our own inner authority. As you receive them, you are invited to soak up what feels nourishing, to get curious about the pieces that feel evocative or inspiring, and to dismiss completely any aspects that do not feel aligned with your own inner wisdom.