For Sacred Consideration— previews of the content
Teaching one
"The set of transmissions available through this particular channel constitutes a canon of teachings that are meant to link together, to offer a pervasive, intricate, nuanced and heart-centered understanding of what this time is. Of how to orient to this time. Of how to understand what is connected, how you are connected, how All are connected, what constitutes the All.
These lessons and the languaging of these lessons are not for everyone. The timing must be aligned for you to receive. The conditions you are experiencing or surviving, in this moment, must be aligned for you to receive."
Teaching two
"On the planet, in this time, having opened just in the last few weeks- October 7th- is a portal a doorway a channel, that supports and allows for an extraordinary level of, what we call, transmutation- what you may call release, healing, or resolve- of any energy that has been harbored, has been held stagnant, has been held onto as a way of attempting to protect oneself- individually or collectively- from future pain.
Each of you plays a role in the symphony of this process of transmutation. Each of you can offer the energy, the imprint of wounding, personal, collective, ancestral that you carry. Offering it up to this doorway, this Portal. So as to energetically participate in the undoing of layers upon layers upon layers of harm."
Teaching three
“Pace yourself, please. Hydrate. Feed your body. Rest your body, when you can. For this time of transformation is both magnificent and excruciating. And each of you are a beautiful, undeniable, necessary, exquisite and beloved participant."
Teaching four
“Your role may change countless times. The details of your efforts may evolve over and over again.
But we bless you that you are willing to, and feel supported, loved, bolstered, and interconnected enough to make choices that allow you to feel deeply aligned in whatever actions you take. Whatever offerings you make. Whether they be directly related to ending violence or supporting the wider community who is pushing for this resolve in this time.
No one's role is more significant or pronounced than another's. Every one of you is required. Specifically required to feel for what is aligned for you in this time. Make your choices, take your actions, from there. For when you are in a felt sense of alignment, you are serving as a bridge. Deeply connected to the well of resilience and deeply connected to your intention."
Teaching five
"Today's teaching is about death. The ceremony of death. The energetic transformation that occurs through the experience, the transformative experience, of death. "
Teaching six
This transmission is about Ancestral support.
"we encourage you to feel for what is there rather than test what is there. Feel for what support surrounds you. Feel for the thickening of presence that is with you. Feel for the lack of aloneness. Notice you are being so beautifully escorted. Take the risk of noticing this. Rather than the patterned belief of noticing absence. "
Teaching seven
"There is a desire to address the role of the body in the transmutation of energy towards healing and resolve...
As the body experiences an increase of physical sensation, the inherited and experienced wounding goes from unconscious to conscious. The arising of the physical sensation is the arising of the wounding from the unconscious field into a more conscious field, to be felt...
Regardless of your desire to track or to feel the experience of the sensation of the pain, it is supportive for you to know that your body is in the process of contributing to the healing of your Ancestral and oftentimes karmic lineage or legacy."
Teaching eight
"The preservation of hope is not a grasp. The preservation of hope is a surrender, a release into the role that the Divine plays in every breath, every aspect of human form and action, including your own receiving of this transmission right now."
"Your willingness to consider that your actions make a difference directly supports your ability/ capacity to imagine that there is a future where devastation does not only lead to more devastation."
Teaching nine
This transmission is the first of three teachings focused on grief.
"To believe one is separate is to bow to a belief sourced in inherited trauma. To attend to this belief requires effort. We invite you to release this effort and lean in...."
"there is hardly a breath, hardly a single breath, during which you are not simultaneously witnessing/experiencing the grief of Gaza without simultaneously experiencing the arising layers of your own accrued ancestral experiences"
Teaching ten
This is the second of three transmissions focused on grief.
“It is easy to feel as a human that your grief is futile, that it is of your own but is not actually a contribution to the efforts required now to cease the violence and heal the impact. But this is so far from the case. The act of feeling is a powerful and sustainable offering of action towards the undoing of the inherited harm that led to the calcification of grief."
Teaching eleven
This transmission is the third of three teachings focused on grief.
“Every time humans come together with the intention of a ceasefire, with the intention of an end to occupation, with the intention of a deliberate transformation towards liberation, the gathering itself, the coming together, catalyzes the transmutation, the processing through, of these emotional and energetic layers.”
Teaching twelve
"This transmission begins to address the issue of despair. Despair is often felt as an individual emotion. But it is more often an experience of the collective being felt by the individual."
"....witnessing the experience of other human suffering takes a toll. The witnessing can be unbearable.....But we wish for you to consider that it is not simply your witnessing that is impacting you.......the very experiences occurring- experiences of shock, horror, heartbreak, immense grief, loss, rage- are themselves energetically moving through you."
Teaching thirteen
"Devastation. To witness things that feel inhuman, impossible, outside the bounds of what is fair, just, kind, acceptable, allowed, of G-d. Experiencing those in parallel with what one feels is deserved, is acceptable, is of kindness, fairness, of Divine alignment. When what one believes should be true and what one experiences as true are so far from one another, one’s insides become torn. A rupture of navigating reality. This is devastation."
"We wish for you to recall that those experiences of overextension are cues inviting you to remember that you are being invited to be a contribution, but not to sacrifice."
Teaching fourteen
"We wish to speak today about dignity and the journey of the Soul."
"It is no small feat to maintain a connection to, a commitment to, your role as witness. And we applaud you for all the ways that you have listened carefully to what your own heart, what your own body, what your own energetic field needs of you, for you, from you, in this time when the violence and the loss and the healing are so potent."
"The role you play has an impact on the collective field. Your presence in witnessing, but also the perspective that you witness from- the lens through which you choose to offer this witness- contributes to/ impacts the collective field."
Teaching fifteen
"This teaching is about love.
The question we have been attending to throughout the collection of these transmissions is the question of accounting for the violent pain, the incessant violence, the disparity of power and freedom, along with presence of, and the fullness of, Divine timing, Divine alignment, the unfolding truth of the All.
How is it possible for a single human, for the human collective, to hold this disparity?"
Teaching sixteen
This teaching centers the connection between love and faith, naming this connection as a practice of sacred consideration.
"For many of you, the impact of Ancestral wounding on your own Ancestral lineages has dissolved the willingness, and in some ways, the actual capacity to surrender into a sense of faith. Being held by a beautiful benevolent energy that is the All.
"Each time you choose the heart, each time you choose to soften, even in the face of the most rigid impossibility, you are reclaiming a sense of faith in Divine love and Divine protection that is your birthright. That is the birthright of your family and was the birthright of your Ancestry."