The Truth of Belonging— previews of the content

Teaching one

"The truth of belonging is one of the most inherent and powerful facets of each human being's human nature. The truth that we belong. Interwoven, inextricably from the All.

But belonging is also one of the most vulnerable aspects of a human's sense of themself. For the wounding of, the splintering of, the complete absence of, that sense of belonging is one of the most potent expressions/imprints of inherited legacies of trauma."

"What comes when one feels they do not belong, intrinsically, is some of the most painful and abhorrent trauma. Meaning that when one carries this belief of not belonging to the All, to the Divine, to the Earth, to the wider collection/collective of Peoplehood, one is capable, and oftentimes, compelled, to sever that, or to steal that, of another."

Teaching two

"We invite you into the sacred consideration that any thought you have, any idea you have, any emotion you have that points to the lack of full and complete and interconnection and belonging is a thought, an emotion, an idea rooted in severance, rooted in rupture, rooted in a false sense of disconnection that comes from personal, collective, inherited trauma.

What might your life be like if the thoughts that you followed were only those that centered you in the truth of belonging? What would your life be like if any thought/idea/ emotion that came from a place other than that held/felt/embodied sense of complete interconnection was offered compassion, tenderness and care, but was not used to organize your day, your relationships, your work in the world."

Teaching three

"It's helpful but not necessary for one to keep in mind that the outcome of such healing is not just feeling good, but an experience, felt sense, and reality of liberation for all. For everyone.

This is the ultimate goal of any healing project, any healing endeavor. And to hold that in the center allows the body and the mind, as well as the heart, to organize around that vision, that goal, that intention with more rigor and allowance, bringing more ease and capacity to the project of healing.

To hold the liberation of all Peoples as central in one's individual ventures does not dismiss one's own personal experiences. But helps one to recognize that the unfolding and transmutation and resolve of those personal pains directly contributes to the spaciousness, capacity, and liberatory passageway for all."

Teaching four

"This understanding (of separateness) had to be introduced. For it is not inherently of the Oneness that is the original understanding, the original conscious truth.

And rather than recognizing these new perspectives as evidence of pain, people were captivated by them. By the new energies, desires, felt sense that arose with these new perspectives.

The perspectives themselves were seductive. They pull one's attention into themselves. Pull one away from the collective. Create the sense of individual. Not individuality. For this is contained in the truth of belonging. But an individual mentality- individualism. Prioritizing the self separate from. Prioritizing the self over others.

And from here, the mass ruptures began."