Blessings to all who are listening. This is indeed an extraordinary time.

First it is required to express enormous gratitude to each of you who has opened your heart and placed your energy towards creating transformation, peace, liberation, and an anchored landingpad for all of those who are in extraordinary distress in this time.

The set of transmissions available through this particular channel constitutes a canon of teachings that are meant to link together, to offer a pervasive, intricate, nuanced and heart- centered understanding of what this time is. Of how to orient to this time. Of how to understand what is connected, how you are connected, how All are connected, what constitutes the All.

These lessons and the languaging of these lessons are not for everyone. The timing must be aligned for you to receive. The conditions you are experiencing or surviving, in this moment, must be aligned for you to receive. And your heart must feel a readiness, an eagerness, a curiosity in order for you to fully receive on a cellular level the energetics-the energetic transmissions-of these teachings. For they are not meant to be received just with the mind to be chewed on as ideas, but to be received with the body. Informing the cells. Informing the way that each of you organizes in your physical form, in your spiritual form, and then moves into action of the heart, of the mind, with your voice, with your body, towards an evolution that is transformative and liberatory.

Please allow your body to move in response to the energy coming through as you feel it. Please allow your energetic body, your emotional body, to be moved as you receive these transmissions. For they are not ideas. They are of energy. And to receive them means to be informed by them, transformed by them. And healed by them.

There will be more or less 16 teachings in the full canon of this transmission. All 16 will have a similar orientation, similar languaging. Thus, you will begin to feel more accustomed and connected to the language as the teachings unfold. Allow the language to be new in this time.

Allow your mind to settle and your heart to open. The heart is the door for receiving spiritual teachings of all kinds, including this.The first aspect that we want you to understand-those of you who are recipients of these transmissions-is that you are in extraordinary care. You are held in a circle of illuminated Beings supporting you, guiding you, holding you, encouraging you, bolstering you and supplying you with clarity and resilience as you make your choices. As you connect. As you work for the evolution of this time.

There is no one of you that is not needed. There is no one of you that is more needed than others. This will be a repeating theme in these teachings. For each Being is an illuminated strand in a weaving of stunning measure. Each strand illuminated, shimmering, stunning, required, necessary, and absolutely interconnected to the All, to the whole. Without you we would feel you missing. Without you we would be incomplete. We would not BE without you. We would not be without you. Every breath is in concert. Every choice is within a symphony of multiple choices. Supported. Held. Beloved. Cared for and guided.

To pretend that this is untrue, to pretend that you are acting alone, to pretend that your every action is not guided and interconnected and supported by and in support of all other actions, all other choices, all other motions, would be an undermining of what is true. And it is effortful to hold on to/grab on to/ grasp onto the delusion of aloneness, of singularity. Especially in this time when your efforts and your sense of settledness inside of the All is required.

Any energy reserved for believing, convincing oneself that one is alone, that one is not an intricate member of a beautiful vibrant ecosystem, is energy misplaced. And this is also not a misstep. For so many of you in this time are healing from what you call ancestrally inherited wounding. Around separation. Around the lack of faith in Spirit/ God/ the All. Around being left alone. Around being left unheld, unseen, unnoticed, uncared-for, disregarded. These are all experiences that so many of you carry in a multitude of ways. Each with their own intricate design. Each with their own intricate aspects. Pressed into cells. Pressed into handprints, heart prints. Carried for the sake of healing. That healing is now.

Allow yourself to feel when it is time to feel the depth of the fear of being separate, of being alone, of being unconsidered, unsafe, unwanted, unnoticed.

There are many of you who have experienced such experiences in this lifetime in your own bodies. And there are many of you, most of those who receive these transmissions are also, or are in fact, carrying these experiences as ancestrally inherited imprints or karmically inherited imprints-experiences from your own soul's trajectory.

Regardless of how the imprint came to be, in this time there is healing. Meaning there is the capacity for the transmutation of any energy and all energy that has linked you, your body, your mind, your soul, to the experience of victim. Victimhood. And any aspect, any role, one may playin a concert of the creation of and the maintenance of victim. Perpetrator. Savior. One who has been severed off. There are a multitude of positions each of you are holding. But the weaving of them together is the energy that is now being released from the Planet.

No wonder the polarization.
No wonder the polarization.
The urgency. The intensity of this time.

No wonder the fingers pointed. No wonder the doors closed. These are all aspects/facets/fractal expressions of what we, for now, are calling, the release/the transmutation/the healing of victimhood from the planet.

This does not mean to allow such polarization, such urgency, such pain to settle, to become the reality. And it will not. For this is a time of extraordinary transformation. Things will move fast, continue to move fast. And it is not the request to keep up with the pace that you find moving energetically around you. But, rather, to find a pace that is sustainable to you. Where your body can both transmute the energy that is healing effortlessly, inevitably in this time, and manage to find the place where you yourself are in a most aligned position to encourage and support the move towards liberation, towards healing, towards freedom, from all that was captive.

The movement towards the end of occupation, towards the end of captivity, towards the end of ruling over or attempting to save is disintegrating in this time. Inevitably. How…how it is… the arrival of a time when occupation/imprisonment/captivity no longer blankets the globe cannot be charted. But you all are blazing these trails with every breath, in concert, deep concert, with one another.

The most important thing to understand in this moment is that you are inherently in this together. All of you. Each breath, each effort, each decision, each action in beautiful symphony. In deep harmony. All of it, essential. All of it moving towards release, healing, transmutation, and wholeness.

The teachings….around these, this time, will come with irregularity, but density. It is important to listen to receive with yourselves. It is important to listen to receive with your heart. And also, of course, to chew the ideas with your mind.

Please note, though, that even attuning to the vibration of this transmission, and all that follow, will change you. Will support you to find even deeper alignment in yourself, in this time, within the collective.

Thus, the ideas need not be understood with the mind in order to be received with the soul/spirit/body/cellular receptivity and understanding.

These first few teachings of this larger transmission will come with pacing.Only several days between one another. For this time is holding excruciating poignancy that must be met with the healing and transformation of the energy that is being uprooted. So as to allow the energy to move through and not go stagnant, not cause physical sickness to those who are able to receive and to act in accordance.

At some point they will taper off and be fewer and far between. But they will continue on for quite some time. For this channel is filled with fertility and poignancy. To escort/support the transmutation and healing, as this time continues to unfold.

Allow these transmissions to escort you like a river that one may sit beside and allow the dreaming, the thinking, the feeling, to move past, move through. So as to both support/bolster/anchor, and release as you yourselves transform.

Until next time.