Attending to the Heart— previews of the content

Teaching one

"This first teaching in this collection of Attending to the Heart invites the consideration that the wisdom of the heart is not the wisdom of your own lived experience, or even that of your Ancestors, or that of your own soul's trajectory. But, rather the wisdom of the All. The wisdom of the entirety of being. The heart is simply each person's individual entryway into the vast wisdom, compassion, knowledge, understanding that the All contains."

Teaching two

"To surrender to the heart is simply to surrender to the possibility that one is being held as they navigate. Despite the impossibility. Despite the incredible despair and bleakness of a situation in so many places on the globe, in particular in Gaza.

To allow the mind to surrender to the heart cues the nervous system that one is not going it alone. That there is infinite Divine Source supporting, holding, bolstering, and loving in the midst of unfathomable destruction."

Teaching three

"You are invited into the sacred consideration of noticing when your heart contracts in the face of contradiction, in the face of too-muchness. And, rather than follow that contraction, to invite yourself, your heart in particular, to notice another option. The option of surrender. "

Teaching four

"In each of us, there is accumulated Ancestral inheritance of resiliency, potency and magic. As well as powerlessness and a felt sense of impossibility.

In our day-to-day lives we attempt to keep ourselves from feeling the depth of these layers. Attempting to free ourselves from being controlled by them by holding up walls internally.

To not feel them somehow translates to not being controlled by them. So as to be in our own agency.

But the very act of keeping ourselves from feeling this inherited pain allows what is unconscious to lead the way. For we are always most controlled by what is most unconscious."

Teaching five

“Peoples will always be perceived to be in opposition to one another in terms of their needs, their desires, their safety, their survival, until the lens is wide enough. The embodiment of the width of the All is in place so as to recognize that this opposition, this friction, this sense of a zero-sum system, is simply evidence of the limitation of view. The limitation of understanding. Rather than the truth of what is possible.

This limitation lives in the mind. Evidence of accrued trauma, layers of Ancestral inheritance of where freedom was not possible. Of where visions were not able to manifest.

To bring the awareness, and to recognize the potency, lives so much more fully and strongly in the heart. Allows for this widening. Allows for the perceived contradictions too dissipate, to disappear.

For from the heart, from the view of the All, this ocean of compassion, love, and truth, everyone, of course, crosses the sea together.”